Death of a Musician
This is a two-day, narrative non-fiction story about the unsolved murder of a musician shot when a bystander intervened in an attempted robbery credited by some for leading to an arrest and conviction. Awarded First Place, Feature & Arts Writing, Division C, from the Florida Society of News Editors.
This is the online component of the print package.
Police still seek clues in man’s death
Winter Haven police seek clues in three other crimes
A 38-year-old woman who was killed by a bullet fired through her apartment window May 18, 2010.
A 22-year-old Haitian woman who disappeared from her apartment without a trace in 2011.
Follow-Up Stories
The local bar Ameduri was playing at struggled to recover from his death's impact. Police arrest a man who was 17-years-old on the day of the killing. He's being charged as an adult.